Friday, June 20, 2008

A Smoking Gun

Instead of focusing on such worthy targets of change -- like rampant drug use, sexual abuse, abortion -- the leftist game plan is being used by at least one group on the Internet to attack ... God. has posted 50 "proofs" that God does not exist, except in the heads of silly Christians. Christian belief in Jesus and God is compared to children's belief in Santa Claus and is no more real, the site's proponents insist. They then ask others to join them in eradicating belief in God, much as they rid the country of smoking or got women the right to vote.

"There once was a time in America when no woman could vote. Yet, somehow, even though women could not vote, they all have the right to vote today. How did that happen?

"There was once a time in America where the large majority of people smoked cigarettes. Smoking was allowed everywhere -- even on airplanes and in public restrooms. Yet today, smoking is banned in most public spaces, including airplanes. How did that happen?

"The way to change the world is to change people's minds. As more and more people openly discuss the fact that 'God' and 'Allah' are completely imaginary, the world becomes a better place. The people who believe in 'religion' look sillier and sillier. Eventually, religion becomes a fringe activity that is meaningless."

I have a simple question for these atheists. If God is imaginary, as they say, then why are they expending so much time and energy to debunk the belief in Him?

Could it be that they hate Christianity so much because it sheds light on their own sinfulness and their need for forgiveness that only God can provide through His Son, Jesus Christ? That would mean that they are not the masters of their own destiny and, indeed, have no real control of their lives.

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