Thursday, May 14, 2009

Clever as serpents

Despite the liberal media's attempts to diminish the importance of the Tea Party Movement and to paint a Republican face on it, the Democratic Party is not taking the grass-roots activism lightly. It has prepared at least one memo aimed at combatting this growing threat and you can read it at

The Democrats realize that they are not going to win over the tea party crowd, as it does tend to be a conservative group. But they do think the movement can be diluted and the damage limited by "agreeing" in principle with the protesters and by pointing out that the clearinghouses for the tea parties are major organizations that hold views opposed to them.

President Obama displayed the first strategy in a Georgetown speech when he said it's time to return to a responsible economic culture. "He embraced tradition, order and
authority. He quoted the New Testament and argued that it is time that the
U.S. built its economic house on rock and not sand."

The president seems very adept at using rhetoric that sounds good to his audience or critics, but his actions and political agenda often are at war with his words. It sounds a lot like the tactic used by the serpent in the Garden of Eden. It is the opinion here that he underestimates the resolve of those involved in this movement, and his clever rhetoric cannot mask the destruction he is doing to our economy, liberties and to the U.S. Constitution.

As for the tea party crowd being in bed with those whom it disagrees, wasn't that the case when the Americans and British fought beside the Russian communists to defeat a greater evil -- Nazi Germany?

We must not let these tactics dissuade, distract or divide us. We must fight beside anyone who supports our cause, but we must not be satisfied with any solution other than getting rid of elitist, greedy, power-hungry politicians bent on bigger government, out-of-control spending and progressivism and turning this country back to the principles, morals and values first set forth by its founders, like Jefferson, Franklin and Adams.

1 comment:

Sgt Patrick McNally, U.S.Army,Retired said...

Great article, amazing how the "Messiah" can talk about taking responsibilty, yet blame everything on Prez Bush. How he can talk about economic responsibity, yet pull the wasteful "ScareForce One" trip, and bankrupt the country with his ridiculous bailout plan. Keep up great writing, I will be following.